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united nations development programme中文是什么意思

用"united nations development programme"造句"united nations development programme"怎么读"united nations development programme" in a sentence


  • 联合国发展计画
  • 联合国开发计划署


  • United nations development programme undp
  • United nations development programme
  • He has undertaken numerous consultancies for the world bank , the united nations development programme , the food and agriculture organisation , the asian development bank and the australian government
  • Undp , standing for united nations development programme , is the major agency responsible for multilateral technical cooperation under the un system , and the central coordinating agency of un development promoting activities
    联合国开发计划署,英文缩写为undp ,是联合国系统多边技术合作的主要机构,也是联合国促进发展活动的中心协调组织。
  • It is a great pleasure and honor for me to be here and to open the exhibition on china guangcai achievements exhibition and 50th anniversary of all china federation of industry and commerce on behalf of the united nations development programme
  • Positive talks ' is an activity of marie stopes international china ( msic ) , jointly supported and funded by the united nations development programme ( undp ) , joint united nations programme on hiv / aids ( unaids ) and implemented by the china international center for economic and technical exchanges ( cicete )
  • The special programme for research and training in tropical diseases ( tdr ) is a global programme of scientific collaboration established in 1975 , sponsored by the world health organization , world bank , united nations development programme and united nations children s fund , and based in geneva , switzerland
用"united nations development programme"造句  


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